1 Introduction
The Library of Science platform collects full-text scientific publications shared in the open access model in accordance with global standards.
Full texts of scientific publications collected on the Platform (scientific journals and books) along with their metadata are publicly available for everyone at bibliotekanauki.pl and through the API.
An internal part of the service, used to manage Platform resources, which includes entering metadata and full texts, is available for publishers and administration representatives (after logging in). For detailed information on joining the Platform, please refer to the “Join our publishers” subpage accessible from the Platform’s homepage.
2 Browsing Platform resources
Browsing Platform resources and downloading content and metadata is possible through a public website at https://bibliotekanauki.pl/ without logging in. Resources are indexed by search engines and easy to download through a public API.
The Platform collects and shares scientific publications provided by publishers under agreements concluded with the administrator, i.e. the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computer Modelling of the University of Warsaw. Scientific books shared in the system also come from the otworzksiazke.pl service and the CeON Repository.
The following resources are available on the Platform:
- articles published in scientific journals, grouped in chronologically-ordered issues (corresponding to books or volumes);
- scientific monographs in the form of authored or co-authored books;
- chapters constituting collective work.
2.1 Homepage
The most important part of the homepage is a search engine that allows to find the desired scientific publication. By using simple or advanced search queries, it is possible to narrow down the results to articles, books (authored, co-authored or collective works) and chapters fulfilling the criteria provided.
2.1.1 Simple search
The simple search engine allows to set the following search filters: “All”, “In journals” or “In books”. The default setting “All” searches the entire Platform contents. Using the “In journals” filter allows to search for articles only in journals, whereas “In books” – only in books (authored, co-authored, collective works and their chapters).
A phrase entered into a simple search engine is searched not only in metadata of individual publications, but also in their full text files.
Fig. Simple search engine of the Library of Science
2.1.2 Advanced search
The advanced search engine allows to narrow down search results based on the contents of metadata fields: contributors, publication dates, main language of publication, license used, assigned scientific disciplines, keywords, publisher and journal name or ISSN number.
Fig. Advanced search engine of the Library of Science
As an example, completing the contributors field in the advanced search engine will show publications with metadata that includes the phrase entered in the contributors fields. Whereas entering the same phrase in the main field of the search engine will search all metadata fields and the full text. The usefulness of both methods depends on the type of inquiry and metadata quality of the particular scientific publications.
After entering at least three characters in each of the advanced search engine fields (except for contributors), a list of suggestions will be displayed – saved entries that may be searched for in the system.
By completing more than one field in the advanced search engine, you will receive results meeting all the search criteria provided. On the other hand, entering several phrases in one field will return search results that include at least one of the search phrases.
Advanced search fields:
- Searching with the use of the contributors field allows to find scientific publications for which a given person was entered into the metadata as an author, reviewer, translator or editor. You can also search this field by entering the scientist’s name, surname or ORCID. Many words may be entered into this field.
- Filtering by dates allows you to find scientific publications created after or before a selected date or withing a selected dates range (the date entered into the metadata is taken into account).
- Checking the option “Link to research data” will show publications that include information on the associated research data.
- Completing the language of publication field will show publications for which the indicated language was defined in metadata. It is possible to select more than one language.
- In the freedom of use field, the user may ask for the authorship and legal status indicated in the metadata of the searched publications (availability to use in accordance with the rules of permitted use or under an open license). It is possible to select more than one status.
- By selecting scientific disciplines, you may narrow down the results only to scientific publications from a given discipline (this mechanism is also based on the appropriate metadata fields). It is possible to select more than one discipline at a time.
- When entering search phrases in the keywords field, the user will receive suggestions what keywords exist in the database and can be selected. Many words may be entered into this field.
- In the last advanced search engine field, you may enter the name of the publication’s publisher, journal title or ISSN number of the journal from which the publication originates.
2.1.3 Navigating the system
Access to publications is possible by means of navigating through the publishers list. Journals and books published by a given publisher are assigned to them.
Fig. Ordered documents structure on the Platform
Moreover, the user can also browse lists of journals indexed in the individual databases, e.g.: Agro database journals (see Databases section).
Each publisher has a separate subpage on the Platform (details screen), featuring their metadata and tabs with lists of journals and books issued.
The details screen for each journal on the Platform has the form of a full card, which gathers information on this journal and articles published in it grouped by subsequent issues in a reader-friendly way.
While navigating, a breadcrumbs menu is visible in the upper part of the screen, which provides an additional way to move between document tree nodes.
2.1.4 The latest and most popular books, articles and journals
The central part of the homepage displays the latest (i.e. the latest added to the Platform) and the most popular (most frequently downloaded in the last 365 days) books, articles and journals. By default, the tab “All (disciplines)” is used, which means that the latest and most popular books, articles and journals visible on the website are selected from the entire Platform resources. Selecting only one discipline, e.g. “Humanities”, will restrict this set only to publications, whose metadata indicate disciplines from the scope of “Humanities”.
Fig. The latest books, articles and journals on the homepage
Fig. The most popular books, articles and journals on the homepage
2.1.5 Databases
The homepage “Databases” section features links that allow to display lists of journals currently available on the Platform and grouped by indexing databases.
The Library of Science Platform only shares those publications that contain full texts and are covered by appropriate agreements signed between publishers and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computer Modelling of the University of Warsaw. Thus, the above-mentioned lists do not include journals available in those databases that only provide metadata. The databases themselves are maintained as external websites:
- AGRO (journals on natural and agricultural sciences) http://agro.icm.edu.pl/,
- BazTech (journals on engineering and technology, as well as exact sciences) http://baztech.icm.edu.pl/,
- CEJSH (journals on humanities, social sciences, theological sciences and arts) http://cejsh.icm.edu.pl/,
- DML-PL (journals on mathematics) http://pldml.icm.edu.pl/,
- PSJD (journals on medical and health sciences) http://psjd.icm.edu.pl/.
Fig. List of databases on the homepage
Fig. List of journals in the CEJSH database
2.1.6 List of publishers
A separate “Publishers” section is available on the homepage. It contains links to detailed information regarding cooperation with the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computer Modelling of the University of Warsaw and to a full list of publishers. Additionally, six publishers sharing their resources on the Platform are presented there. They are displayed in a random order and change after refreshing the page.
Fig. List of publishers on the homepage
2.1.7 Header and footer
Information included in the Platform header:
- Publishers – a list publishers sharing their resources on the Platform;
- About Library of Science – information about the service connected with the project that resulted in the creation of the Platform
- Help – link to this documentation;
- Contact – information on how to contact website support;
- Join Publishers – detailed information on establishing cooperation with the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computer Modelling of the University of Warsaw.
Fig. Library of Science website header
The following information is available in the Platform footer:
- logotypes of institutions that contributed to starting the project to create the Platform;
- About Library of Science – information connected with the project that resulted in the creation of the Platform;
- Privacy Policy – a document providing for the disclosure obligation resulting from the Personal Data Protection Act, Telecommunication Act and (from May 2018) the GDPR;
- Accessibility – a document regarding the accessibility of a website or mobile application for individuals, which is required under the Digital Accessibility Act;
- Terms of Service – a document establishing the rules for using the Library of Science;
- Report error – redirects to the user’s e-mail service to report errors noticed on the Platform or the user’s own initiatives;
- Contact – information on how to contact the website support.
Fig. Library of Science website footer
2.2 Search results
By default, search results are displayed by relevance in descending order. This means that the entries most relevant to the search phrase are listed at the top. User may sort the results both by relevance and publication date (in ascending and descending order). You may also set the number of results displayed per page in order to adjust the website to your preferences.
Fig. Search results
The number of filters used will appear next to the Advanced search option.
Fig. Number of filters in the advanced search engine
You may navigate from the search results to searching with a contributor or discipline filter. When you click a contributor’s name and surname on the search list, a list of publications connected with that contributor will be displayed.
Fig. A suggestion for advanced search of publications related to the contributor
Fig. Search results with the contributor filter
Searching by discipline functions in a similar way.
Fig. A suggestion for advanced search of publications related to
the contributor
Fig. Search results with the discipline filter
Additionally, on the publisher’s page, the user can search publications related only to that publisher. After entering the desired phrase in the search engine field, the user will be redirected to the advanced search screen – the phrase will be moved to the main search engine field and the name of the publisher – to the Publisher, journal, ISSN field.
Fig. Searching items connected to a particular publisher
Fig. Advanced search with the publisher field completed
Searching for items connected to a particular journal functions in a similar way.
2.3 Platform resource pages
The Platform’s resources include metadata sets: text (optionally translated into other languages) and graphics (covers, logotypes), as well as full texts ordered to match the logic structure of documents.
2.3.1 Publisher details screen
The publisher details screen presents, among others, the publisher’s name, description and contact details, as well as their logo, Open access policy and links to the publisher’s websites.
Apart from the general information tabs, publishers’ pages also include tabs with list of their journals and books.
Fig. Publisher details screen
2.3.2 Journal card
The subpage with a journal’s details screen is considered to be its card, gathering information on the journal in one place and presenting them in a transparent manner. The individual journal card tabs include, among others:
- a journal overview;
- a list of issues ordered chronologically from the newest to the oldest;
- data on the journal’s indices and databases in which the journal is indexed;
- editorial office contact details;
- information for journal authors and reviewers.
Fig. Journal card
2.3.3 Issue details screen
The page dedicated to a particular issue includes its metadata and a list of articled included in the issue.
Fig. Issue details screen
2.3.4 Collective work details screen
The page dedicated to a collective work includes its metadata and a list of its chapters.
Fig. Collective work details screen
2.3.5 Scientific publications details screens
The individual scientific publications, including articles, authored (coauthored) books and collective works, along with their chapters, have dedicated subpages with all the metadata entered by the authorized users and full text versions. Individual works may be available in one or several formats: articles in PDF format, whereas books and chapters may be available as PDF, MOBI, EPUB and ZIP archives with DocBook XML files.
Fig. Formats in which books and chapters may be available on the Platform
2.4 Citations
Publications details screens offer the possibility to download a pre-drafted citation and export bibliographical data. Citations are available in five formats: two Harvard formats (APA and MLA), two Vancouver formats (AMA and NLM) and in the format consistent with the Polish citation standard ISO 690.
Export is available in BIB (supported by BibTEX) and RIS (supported by Endnote, Refman, Procite) formats.
Fig. Citation window
2.5 Export to PBN
The Library of Science Platform allows for an automatic export of the publication to the Polish Scientific Bibliography (Polska Bibliografia Naukowa, PBN) portal. This functions allows to fulfill the requirement of sending scientific publications to the POL-on Science and Tertiary Education Integrated Information System. Launching export of individual publications from the website level redirects the user to the PBN log-in page and initiates the information upload compliant with the requirements of the receiving platform.