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Declaration of Accessibility

The Library of Science Platform managed by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling of the University of Warsaw undertakes to ensure the accessibility of its website in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 4 April 2019 on the Digital Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Entities. The accessibility statement applies to the website and and their subpages.

Website publication date: 2020-11-30

Date of last significant update: 2021-01-13

Compliance status

The website complies with the Act on Digital Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Entities at the level of WCAG 2.1. AAA, with the following exceptions:

  • some images do not have an alternative text,
  • some elements that open the link in a new window/tab of the web browser do not inform about it,
  • the page has links highlighted only by an underline,
  • some PDF files were created on the basis of poorly prepared Word documents (there is no well-marked logical structure, tags), or are scans of documents. The way of adding publications in the system reduces such practices to a minimum, however the website is supplemented on a daily basis by a large group of editors and publishers who do not always format files correctly. ICM administrators make every effort to ensure that new documents are prepared correctly.
  • documents that are unreadable by screen readers can be recognized with the OCR tool.

Preparation of the accessibility declaration

The declaration was made on: 2021-01-14.

The declaration was drawn up on the basis of self-assessment by a public body.

Keyboard shortcuts

You can use standard keyboard shortcuts on the website.

Feedback and contact details

In case of problems with the accessibility of the website, please contact the managing authority – the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling of the University of Warsaw (e-mail: lp.ik1729226825uanak1729226825etoil1729226825bib@k1729226825sedpl1729226825eh1729226825, phone no.: (22) 874 91 00). In the same way, you can submit requests for access to information that is not available and complain about the lack of accessibility.

Everyone has the right to request the digital accessibility of a website, mobile application or any element thereof. You can also request information through an alternative means of access, such as reading a digitally inaccessible document, describing the content of a movie without audio description, etc. The request should contain the details of the person making the request, an indication of which website or mobile application is meant and the method of contact. Where the requesting person requests information by an alternative means of access, the person should also specify a manner in which the information is to be presented that is convenient for the person. The public entity should comply with the request immediately, no later than within 7 days from the date of the request. If it is not possible to meet this deadline, the public entity shall immediately inform the requester when it will be possible to comply with the request, but this period may not be longer than 2 months from the date of the request. Where it is not possible to ensure digital accessibility, a public body may propose an alternative way of accessing the information. In the event that a public entity refuses to comply with a request for accessibility or an alternative means of access to information, the requester may lodge a complaint about the digital accessibility of a website, mobile application or element of a website or mobile application. Once the above procedure has been used, the person can also submit a request to the Ombudsman.